Last updated: 30/03/2020
Stage 3 of 4

Implementation & Monitoring

Programme implementation results in the improvement of the lives of South Africans. Implementation of plans must be monitored to measure progress towards the achievement of planned targets.

3.1 - Overview


It is important to ensure that programme implementation results in improving the lives of South Africans. The Results-based approach is designed to ensure that government is focused on achieving the expected real improvements in the lives of South Africans. Institutional plans must reflect relevant priorities as reflected in the Medium Term Strategic Framework, with institutional outcomes, outcome indicators and targets aligned with the priorities. This is known as the Implementation Delivery Model.


Implementation of plans must be monitored to measure progress towards the achievement of planned targets so that monitoring findings can be used to improve performance, future planning and budgeting. Monitoring must be planned and conducted continuously by collecting data on specified indicators, verifying, storing the data, analysing and reporting the findings. These findings must be used to provide management, oversight institutions and the public with information about the extent to which implementation of the plan has progressed.

3.2 - In Year Reporting

3.2.1 - Quarterly Performance Report

Quarterly Performance Reports provide progress on the implementation of an institutions' Annual Performance Plan in the previous quarter, with particular reference to monitoring delivery against performance targets.

Why is this important?

Progress against the performance targets set in the Annual Performance Plans (APPs) is reported on a quarterly basis in a Quarterly Performance Report. The Quarterly Performance Plans link to Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans in that they indicate whether the intended outputs and outcomes are being achieved. Performance information plays a significant role in planning for and measuring the priorities of government, budget allocations and the monitoring of service delivery and value for money.

3.2.2 - Electronic Quarterly Performance Reporting System (eQPRS)

In the 2018/19 financial year, national departments started to use the Electronic Quarterly Performance Reporting System (eQPRS) for quarterly performance reporting. This provides for performance information to be drawn out easily into defined reports for approved performance information. Programme managers and Monitoring and Evaluation practitioners collate and verify the quarterly performance information from across various sources in line with the targets set out in the Annual Performance Plan and input it into the eQPRS. All Quarterly Performance Reports must be signed off by the Accounting Officer (AO) of the institution and the sign off/approval uploaded to eQPRS.

3.2.3 - Annual Report

The Annual Report provides information about the institution's performance in the preceding financial year, enabling performance review, learning and oversight. Annual Reports are developed based on Annual Performance Plans.

Why is this important?

The Annual Report provides information about the institution's performance in the preceding financial year, enabling performance review, learning and oversight. Annual Reports are developed based on Annual Performance Plans. Oversight institutions use the Annual Reports to do oversight of performance and spending of government institutions.

3.3 - Performance Reporting

3.3.1 - Mid-term Assessment Report

Mid-term Assessment Reports provide information about progress on implementing the institution’s Strategic Plan after the first two and a half financial years of implementation, with particular reference to delivery of outcomes in relation to the priorities of government. A Mid-term Assessment Report must include recommendations about performance, budgeting and planning improvement for the Strategic Plans remaining financial years, with its findings contributing to sector performance assessments. Institutions must report on progress against outcomes in the Strategic Plan.

Why is this important?

Institutions must establish processes to use Mid-term Assessment Reports to inform the development of the Annual Performance Plan in the next financial year and the Strategy Plan in the following planning cycle. Oversight institutions must use Mid-term Assessment Reports during assessment of draft Annual Performance Plans for the next financial period.

3.3.2 - End-term Assessment Report

End-term Assessment Reports indicate the extent of progress and achievement in implementing the Strategic Plan, with particular reference implementing the Strategic Plan, with particular reference to monitoring delivery of outcomes and impact after the five-year period. The End-term Assessment Report should include recommendations about performance, budgeting and planning improvements for the next planning cycle, and its findings should contribute to sector performance assessments. Institutions must report on progress against outcomes and impact, where the impact can be assessed after a five-year period.

Why is this important?

Oversight institutions must use the End-term Assessment Reports during assessment of draft Annual Performance Plans for the next financial year and Strategic Plans for the following planning cycle.

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